Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vanillekipferl - Vanilla Crescents

Ich schwöre, die von meiner Oma sind die besten! Sie fallen im Mund einfach auseinander. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmh!
Hier sind sie:


250 g Mehl
180 g Butter
100 g geriebene Mandeln
90 g Zucker

reichlich Vanillezucker

Alle Zutaten (außer Vanillezucker) verkneten und zu dicken Kipferln (d.h. eine Art "Wurst" machen, die Enden etwas spitzer zulaufen lassen und rundlich biegen) formen.

Bei 180°C ca. 15 min. hellbraun backen.

Noch heiß in Vanillezucker wenden (Vorsicht, sie zerbröseln sehr leicht solange sie heiß sind und wenn sie zu kalt sind haftet der Zucker nicht mehr.)

Wenn sie besonders vanillig sein sollen, kann man in den Teig etwas Vanilleextrakt oder Vanillemark geben. (z.B. kann man das Mark einer Vanilleschote in den Teig geben und die Schote dann in ein Glas voll Zucker stecken. Nach einer halben Stunde oder so hat man dann auch reichlich Vanillezucker zum späteren Wenden der Plätzchen. Der Teig kann solange im Kühlschrank warten.)

I swear my Grandma's are the best! They just fall apart in the mouth. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmh!
Here they are:

Vanilla Crescents

250 g flour
180 g butter
100 g ground almonds
90 g sugar

lots of vanilla sugar

Make a dough from all ingredients except vanilla sugar and form thick crescents (like the moon in a comic strip or a smile - just make a "sausage" with slightly pointed ends and then bend a bit).

Bake at 180°C (350°F) for about 15 minutes until they start to become light brown.

Flip in vanilla sugar while still hot. (Careful, the crescents fall to pieces easily while they are still hot, but when they are to cold the sugar wont stick).

If you like the crescents with more vanilla flavor add a little vanilla extract or real vanilla to the dough. (e.g. use the vanilla of one vanilla bean in the dough and stick the bean in a jar with sugar. Half an hour or so later you have lots of vanilla sugar to turn the cookies in at the end. The dough will wait in the fridge until you are ready.)


Anonymous said...


I really like your photo of the Vanillekipferl and I would like to use it for a recipe page in a free corporate internal magazine that I am putting together. I have my own recipe from a colleague, but no photo. Would you be happy for me to use your picture?

Bananey said...

before I answer, can you be more specific about what you mean by "internal magazine"? I don't really know what you mean. Sorry...

Anonymous said...

Hi, of course I will explain. Our magazine "Between the Lines" is an internal staff magazine, which is a magazine produced for and read only by the people working for the organisation (circa 350 people). It is not read by anyone outside of this organisation.


Bananey said...

Oh, now i get what you meant by "internal". Sorry was being a bit thick I suppose.
Use the picture if you like ;)

Anonymous said...

That's very kind of you. Thanks.