Dies ist eine herzhafte Suppe, wie sie gegen Mitternacht bei Geselligkeiten serviert wird (wenn es kein Abendessen oder nur ein kaltes Buffet am frühen abend gab).
Aber sie ist auch ein prima Mittagessen!
Meine Mutter macht dies Suppe seit Jahren, aber ich habe noch ein paar Veränderungen vorgenommen.
Die angegebene Menge ist für 3, kann aber beliebig erweitert werden.
1 Pfund Rindfleisch (gewürfelt, ca. 2 cm Kantenlänge)
3 Zwiebeln (gehackt)
1 Knoblauchzehe (fein gehackt)
Pfeffer, Salz, scharfer Paprika
2 EL Tomatenmark
1 gehäufter TL Senf
1/2 Liter Fleischbrühe
2 Kartoffeln (klein gewürfelt)
2 Paprika (am besten grün - gewürfelt)
2 Möhren (fein gewürfelt)
Chiliflocken oder Tabasco
(ggf. etwas Wein)
Das Fleisch in Olivenöl scharf anbraten. Bei größeren Mengen sollte man das portionsweise tun.
Die Hitze reduzieren und Zwiebeln und Knoblauch zugeben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, scharfer Paprika und dem Lorbeerblatt würzen. Tomatenmark und Senf zugeben, dann mit Brühe auffüllen und zudecken. Auf niedriger Hitze ca. 45 köcheln lassen.
Möhren, Paprika und Kartoffeln zugeben und noch ca. 15 min. weiterköcheln - oder bis die Kartoffeln weich sind.
Abschmecken - dabei Tabasco oder Chiliflocken benutzen um eine angenehme Schärfe zu erzielen.
Mit frischem Brot servieren.
This is a type of hearty soup that is often served at informal parties (where no dinner was served - or just a cold buffet in the early evening) around midnight.
But it is also a nice lunch!
My mom has been making this for years, but
The amount here is for 3, but you can easily make more.
1 pound beef (cubed; I'd say 2 cm long and wide)
3 onions (chopped)
olive oil
1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
pepper, salt, hot paprika powder
bay leaf
2 tbsp concentrated tomato paste
1/2 liter of beef broth
2 potatoes (diced)
2 bell peppers (preferably green - cubed)
2 carrots (diced)
chili flakes or tabasco
(optionally some wine too)
Sear the beef in some olive oil. If making larger quantities you may want to do this in portions.
Reduce heat to medium and add onions and garlic. Season with salt, pepper, hot paprika and the bay leaf. Add broth and cover. Simmer on very low for 45 minutes.
Add carrots, peppers and potatoes and simmer another 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Adjust seasonings - using tabasco or chili flakes to add some heat.
Serve with fresh bread.
This is a type of hearty soup that is often served at informal parties (where no dinner was served - or just a cold buffet in the early evening) around midnight.
But it is also a nice lunch!
My mom has been making this for years, but I took the liberty to change it a bit.
The amount here is for 3, but you can easily make more.
1 pound beef (cubed; I'd say 2 cm long and wide)
3 onions (chopped)
olive oil
1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
pepper, salt, hot paprika powder
bay leaf
2 tbsp concentrated tomato paste
1 heaped tsp mustard
1/2 liter of beef broth
2 potatoes (diced)
2 bell peppers (preferably green - cubed)
2 carrots (diced)
chili flakes or tabasco
(optionally some wine too)
Sear the beef in some olive oil. If making larger quantities you may want to do this in portions.
Reduce heat to medium and add onions and garlic. Season with salt, pepper, hot paprika and the bay leaf. Add tomato paste and mustard, then fill up with broth and cover. Simmer on very low for 45 minutes.
Add carrots, peppers and potatoes and simmer another 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Adjust seasonings - using tabasco or chili flakes to add some heat.
Serve with fresh bread.
This is a type of hearty soup that is often served at informal parties (where no dinner was served - or just a cold buffet in the early evening) around midnight.
But it is also a nice lunch!
My mom has been making this for years, but
The amount here is for 3, but you can easily make more.
1 pound beef (cubed; I'd say 2 cm long and wide)
3 onions (chopped)
olive oil
1 clove garlic (finely chopped)
pepper, salt, hot paprika powder
bay leaf
2 tbsp concentrated tomato paste
1/2 liter of beef broth
2 potatoes (diced)
2 bell peppers (preferably green - cubed)
2 carrots (diced)
chili flakes or tabasco
(optionally some wine too)
Sear the beef in some olive oil. If making larger quantities you may want to do this in portions.
Reduce heat to medium and add onions and garlic. Season with salt, pepper, hot paprika and the bay leaf. Add broth and cover. Simmer on very low for 45 minutes.
Add carrots, peppers and potatoes and simmer another 15 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
Adjust seasonings - using tabasco or chili flakes to add some heat.
Serve with fresh bread.