Sunday, April 09, 2006

Vollkornbrötchen - whole grain rolls

8 Stück

250 g Dinkelvollkornmehl
250 g Roggenvollkornmehl
1 P. Frischhefe oder 2 P. Trockenhefe
1 TL Zucker
1 TL Salz
1 TL Koriander
300 ml lauwarme Milch
50 ml Olivenöl
3 handvoll Körnermischung (ggf. 20-30 min. in heißem Wasser eingeweicht und gut abgetropft)

Alle Zutaten zu einem Hefeteig verarbeiten und zweimal gehen lassen. Dann 8 Brötchen formen. Man kann die Brötchen jetzt mit Wasser bestreichen und in Sonnenblumenkernen, Leinsamen, Sesam o.ä. wälzen.
Erneut gehen lassen, während der Ofen auf 220° aufheizt. 20 min. auf mittlerer Schiene backen.

Statt Dinkel und Roggen kann auch Weizenvollkornmehl oder eine beliebige Kombination verwendet werden.

makes 8

250 g whole spelt (?) flour
250 g whole rye flour
1 package (40g) yeast or 2 packages dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp coriander
300 ml lukewarm milk
50 ml oliveoil
3 hands full whole grains (my hands are small you may need less) (you may want to soak grains in hot water for 20-30 min. to soften. Make sure they are drained well before using.)

Make a yeast dough from all ingredients and let rise twice. Form 8 rolls. You can brush rolls with water now and roll in sunflower seeds, sesame or linseeds.
Let rest again, while preheating the oven to 220°C. Bake 20 min. in the middle of the oven.

Spelt (?) and rye can be replaced by other whole grain flours. I.e. wheat or a mix.


Suat Tian said...

Hi there,
I am a Singaporean who, after travelling in Germany, discovered that Germany has got the best wholemeal rolls I have ever tasted. It is beautifully crispy on the outside with an invitingly soft and moist texture.
I garnered all my courage to approach the chef. He was very helpful but unfortunately he does not speak a word of English.
I love bread making and am desperately looking for the recipe.
Can you help, please

Suat Tian said...
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